Zion National Park 2006

(Zion Canyon)


This morning would start with 2 long switchbacks causing us to drop down significantly in elevation within minutes.  And we will be walking from one fantastic view to the next all day.

notice the trail and the drop into the valley

I call these "Where's Waldo." Paul is in each of these 3 photos.

only minutes ago, we were up that high

notice that parts of the trail have been paved.

Cathedral Mountain

eventually going right through there.

A sign stating the obvious.  No trail here.

In the center of these next 2 photos you can see the Virgin river and the road in the canyon.

We will be there shortly.

Angels Landing and yes, you can climb up there

This part of the trail is called Wally's Wiggles, stone switchbacks.

trail shots

Zion Canyon, also the end of our trail at the bottom of pic

We ended our backpack journey by sitting on a bench and waiting for one of the shuttle buses to take us back where we left the rental car a few days ago.  There are a few beers in the trunk to celebrate our safe return.  Then we throw down our packs and ride back to the end of the canyon, so that we can walk up the Narrows for a while.  Here is the entrance to the Virgin Narrows ...

There are these little gardens along the walls, wherever there is water dripping and a little sunlight

This place was gorgeous.  A slot canyon with a dozen or so campsites up high on the walls.  And only 30 ft wide in spots.  An absolute shame that we have so little time to wander through it.  Now over to the Court of the Patriarchs and then we are outa' here.

Above from the left is Abraham Peak on the left, then Isaac Peak, then the white one on the far right is Jacob Peak.  All of them over 2000 meters.

I must say that Zion Canyon is one of the most beautiful places that I have seen.  I would go back in a minute.  But we have to hit the road.
